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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Educational Objectives of the BSEE Degree Program

Program Educational Objectives

The BSEE Program provides undergraduates with the broad technical education necessary for productive employment in the public or private sector, and it develops in them an understanding of fundamentals and current issues important for future years of learning. Our program prepares students following graduation for:
  1. Electrical engineering practice in technical assignments such as design, product development, research, manufacturing, consulting, testing, sales, and management;
  2. Proficiency in the use of modern design tools;
  3. Participation and leadership on teams comprised of individuals with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds;
  4. Effective written and oral communication skills;
  5. Appreciation of the implications of design in a global, societal, and ethical context;
  6. Continued learning through such activities as graduate school, distance education, professional training, and membership in professional societies.

Program Outcomes

Outcome #1. Graduates will have attained the fundamental background in mathematics, natural science (physics and chemistry), and computer programming necessary for further study in electrical engineering.

O.1.1. Graduates will possess mathematics skills necessary for electrical engineering. They will
  • be able to solve first and second order differential equations
  • be able to use complex number algebra
  • be able to interchange time-domain and frequency-domain views of a problem

O.1.2. Graduates will have a theoretical and practical background in both physics and chemistry. They will
  • demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental laws of electric fields, currents, and magnetics
  • demonstrate knowledge of the basics of atomic structure and chemical reactions

O.1.3. Graduates will have attained computer proficiency. They will
  • be able to develop numerical methods for problem solutions using general purpose programming languages such as C++ and MATLAB
  • demonstrate familiarity with integrated editor, compiler, linker environments
  • be able to use computer software analysis tools such as Multisim and MATLAB for modeling and design

Outcome #2. Graduates will have acquired a broad knowledge base in both the quantitative and physical aspects of electrical engineering.

O.2.1. Graduates will understand how to analyze and design simple electrical/electronic circuits. By studying examples of circuit operation through classroom discussions and laboratory assignments, graduates will
  • understand the characteristics and I-V relationships of different linear circuit elements (resistors, inductors, capacitors, independent and dependent sources)
  • be able to analyze linear circuit operation in both the time and frequency domains using analysis techniques such as node-voltage, mesh-current, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, linearity, superposition, and device models
  • be proficient in the use of CAD tools (Multisim, PSpice) for circuit analysis and design
  • be familiar with the properties and application of different solid-state devices (diode, MOSFET, BJT, operational amplifier) used in electronic circuit design
  • be able to use different solid-state devices in the analysis and design of electronic circuits for satisfying basic analog and digital operations

O.2.2. Graduates will understand electronic devices. They will know
  • what a semiconductor material is and why semiconductors are used for solid-state devices
  • the physical principles of semiconductor conduction
  • the theory of p-n junction operation (rectification)
  • the theory of MOS field effect transistor operation
  • how MOSFET digital gates operate and some of the factors affecting their performance
  • the basics of integrated circuit fabrication technology

O.2.3. Graduates will understand the basic concepts of linear systems and how they interact with continuous-time signals. Through a solid theoretical understanding of linear system concepts, graduates will
  • understand the classical solution of ordinary differential equations
  • understand the concept of stability
  • qualitatively and quantitatively understand convolution
  • be able to perform sinusoidal steady-state analysis
  • understand and calculate Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms
  • understand the concept of frequency response
  • understand the basics of sampling and reconstruction

O.2.4. Graduates will understand fundamental Electricity and Magnetism (E&M) concepts and be able to use them in applications. Graduates will
  • understand the coupling between electric and magnetic fields
  • be able to analyze the relationship between constitutive material properties and electric and magnetic fields and flux densities
  • be able to analyze propagating and standing wave fields
  • be able to interpret the energy and power associated with E&M fields
  • be able to analyze and design transmission lines and waveguides
  • be able to analyze and assess antennas and radiation
  • be able to understand and analyze propagation and Rayleigh scattering in free space

O2.5. Graduates will have knowledge of digital systems. They will understand how to analyze and design simple digital logic circuits, and be familiar with microprocessors / embedded microcontrollers. Graduates will
  • understand binary arithmetic and boolean algebra functions
  • be able to find logic minimizations for combinational logic circuits
  • be familiar with the functions of gates, multiplexers, flip-flops, and counters
  • understand sequential logic circuits and state minimization
  • understand microprocessor architecture, arithmetic calculations, conditional testing, and program operation
  • appreciate the microcontroller program development process and software debugging procedures
  • understand common microprocessor I/O techniques
  • be able to design simple programs and I/O interfaces for embedded microprocessor applications

Outcome #3. Graduates will be able to apply their electrical engineering knowledge base to the solution of engineering problems.

O.3.1.Graduates will have in-depth technical knowledge in one or more areas of specialization. They will
  • have an understanding of at least one advanced technical sub-area of electrical engineering
  • be able to apply their basic electrical knowledge to the solution of more advanced electrical engineering problems

O.3.2. Graduates will have practical understanding of the major electrical engineering concepts and demonstrate application of their theoretical knowledge of the concepts. Graduates will
  • be able to model various electrical engineering phenomena and use these models to predict performance
  • be able to integrate the knowledge obtained in various courses into a capstone design project that is interdisciplinary in nature

Outcome #4. Graduates will develop the perspective of electrical engineering as a professsion and will appreciate the importance of life-long learning.

O.4.1. Graduates will interact with industry both within and outside of a classroom setting. They will
  • complete a capstone design project within typical industrial constraints (schedule, staffing, budget)
  • interact with visitors and guest lecturers from industry
  • be aware of co-op or internship opportunities

O.4.2. Graduates will develop an appreciation of continuing educational and professional development. They will
  • appreciate the need for life-long learning
  • be aware of continued educational opportunities through such resources as academic institutions, the work place, and professional societies

Outcome #5. Graduates will have good interpersonal and communication skills.

O.5.1. Graduates will have teamwork skills. They will
  • be able to productively contribute to group projects
  • be aware of the dynamics present in any group setting

O.5.2. Graduates will possess oral and written communication skills. They will
  • be able to complete precise and accurate laboratory reports
  • be able to give clear technical presentations
  • be able to distill complex technical information into a form understandable by those outside the profession

Outcome #6. Graduates will understand their role as engineers in society. They will

  • have a broad appreciation of the arts, humanities, and social studies
  • appreciate the complexity of ethical and diversity issues
  • understand the effects of engineering decisions with regard to constraints such as economic, ethical, environmental, social, political, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability


Areas of Specialization Within EE- Communications

There are many areas of specialization within electrical engineering.  Below are brief descriptions of some of these areas along with a list of pertinent PSU courses.  Many courses apply to multiple areas.  When choosing technical electives, it is probably a good idea to make sure to include courses from at least 2-3 different areas rather than focus on a single area. Except where noted, completing the EE core courses (EE 210, 310, 330, 350, and CMPEN 270) is sufficient prerequisite for each of the courses listed below. 



The transmission of information in a fast, reliable, and secure way is a necessity in the world that we live in.  Study in communications involves the analysis and design of information transmission systems.  Principles such as different modulation schemes (such as AM and FM), noise suppression, various transmission media and computer networking are discussed in detail.  Different examples of some communications systems include radio, television, the telephone system, computer networks, GPS satellite systems, and microwave transmission lines.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 350 -- Continuous-time Linear Systems
  • EE 330 -- Engineering Electromagnetics
  • A Statistics Course (STAT 418 Recommended)

Suggested Electives

Because communications is such a broad based industry, we can identify several technical specialties that are relevant.  It is probably not feasible to take all of the communications-related courses, due to the sheer number of courses available.  Rather, students need to decide on which aspect(s) of communications to focus.
First, we include the communication theory courses that focus on systems aspects of communications:
  • EE 360 -- Communication Systems I: a junior-level elective which provides a broad introduction to both analog and digital communication systems and modulation schemes
  • EE 362 -- Communication Networks: studies data encoding, network architecture, and the routing of data streams, which are important in the computer communication industry
  • EE 460 -- Communication Systems II: a follow-up to EE 360 which focuses on the design of communication systems in the presence of noise and the corresponding statistics-based theoretical analysis
Next, we may identify those courses that deal with the transmission of communication signals:
  • EE 421 -- Optical Fiber Communications: a follow-up to EE 320 which provides students with a fundamental understanding of the operation of fiber optic systems, including transmitters, receivers, as well as the fibers themselves
  • EE 432 -- UHF and Microwave Engineering: discusses the analysis and design of microwave transmission lines, amplifiers and filters, which are key elements in many communications systems
  • EE 438 -- Antenna Engineering: analysis and design of many types of antennas, with laboratory work in AM/FM antenna and array design
  • EE 439 -- Radio Wave Propagation: a theoretical and practical treatment of how radio waves are affected by the earth, atmosphere, and buildings during the transmission process
  • EE 474 -- Satellite Communications:  a follow-up to EE 360 which provides an overview of satellite communication systems, including modulation schemes, satellite components, satellite link design and orbital mechanics
Other courses that are tangentially related to communications are the following:
  • EE 424 -- Lasers:  Principles and Applications: a follow-up to EE 320 covering the operation of lasers as well as applications such as optical signal processing, holography, spectroscopy, remote sensing (LIDAR), and optical communications
  • EE 351 -- Discrete-time Systems:   a junior-level elective follow-up to EE 350 which provides a mathematical foundation for subsequent study in digital signal processing, digital control systems, and image processing
  • EE 453 -- Digital Signal Processing: a follow-up to EE 351 that covers both the theory and application of DSP, including A/D and D/A conversion, digital filter design, and implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform via the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm

With the proliferation of digital electronics, most electrical engineering systems will include computer hardware as an integral part of the system.  Computer hardware courses are equally split between the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering majors.    These courses are generally accessible to EE students who have no advanced software courses.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • CMPEN 270 -- Digital Design: Theory and Practice
  • EE 316 -- Embedded Microcontrollers

Suggested Electives
  • EE 362 -- Communication Networks: studies data encoding, network architecture, and the routing of data streams, which are important in the computer communication industry
  • EE 416 -- Digital Integrated Circuits: looks at the design of digital integrated circuit building blocks such as logic gates, memory elements, flip-flops, and multiplexers at the discrete component level
  • EE 417 -- Field Programmable Devices: a special topics course that teaches the fundamentals of programmable gate arrays  (PGA's) and VHDL
  • CMPEN 331 -- Computer Organization and Design:  a junior-level introduction to computer architecture which discusses how the microprocessor, memory, I/O, etc. interact with each other
  • CMPEN 411 -- VLSI Digital Circuits: a follow-up to CMPEN 471 which provides an exposure to the fabrication and layout of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits
  • CMPEN 431 -- Introduction to Computer Architecture: a follow-up to CMPEN 331 which deals more with design issues in computer architecture
  • CMPEN 471 -- Logical Design of Digital Systems: a follow-up to CMPEN 270 which discusses the design of sequential circuits and other switching theory topics



Like computer hardware, computer software is used, to some extent, by almost all electrical engineers. Many EE courses use specialty software packages to assist in the analysis/design of various electrical engineering systems. In addition, however, courses SPECIFICALLY related to computer software are available. For the most part, these courses are taught by the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department for Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors. EE students, however, are allowed to take these courses on a space available basis.
Computer software courses can be divided into 2 areas -- programming courses and applications courses. Electrical Engineering students will generally be able to take the applications courses only with prior study of intermediate or advanced programming courses. Programming experience in itself is not a sufficient prerequisite.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • CMPSC 201 -- Computer Programming for Engineers Using C or
  • CMPSC 121 -- Introduction to Programming Techniques

Suggested Electives

General Programming Courses: (NOTE: These courses DO NOT count as EE technical electives . They count only as ENGINEERING electives or RELATED electives )
  • CMPSC 122 -- Intermediate Programming: a follow-up to CMPSC 201 which teaches C++
  • CMPSC 221 -- Object-oriented Programming: a follow-up to CMPSC 122 that teaches web-based programming using JAVA
  • CMPSC 311 -- Introduction to System Programming: a follow-up to CMPSC 221 which focuses on operating system (UNIX) level programming
  • CMPSC 442 -- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: a follow-up to CMPSC 122 which covers the theory, implementation, and application of artificial intelligence
  • CMPSC 450 -- Concurrent Scientific Programming: a follow-up to CMPSC 201 which teaches the solution to problems encountered with synchronization and concurrent execution in distributed systems
  • CMPSC 451 -- Numerical Computations: covers algorithm development for Fourier Transforms, interpolation, numerical integration, differential equation solutions, etc.
  • CMPSC 455 -- Introduction to Numerical Analysis: similar to CMPSC 451 but a bit more mathematical. Students can NOT take both CMPSC 451 and CMPSC 455 for credit.
Programming Application Courses: (NOTE: These courses DO count as EE technical electives )
  • EE 454 -- Fundamentals of Computer Vision: discusses topics such as object recognition, feature extraction from an image, and dynamic image analysis
  • EE 455 -- Digital Image Processing: overview of image processing techniques and applications such as image enhancement and restoration
  • EE 456 -- Artificial Neural Networks: covers the theory and application of how artificial neural network programs can be used to solve various engineering problems



Control systems are encountered every day, from temperature/climate control systems in buildings to navigational control systems in vehicles. Control systems are also an integral part of any manufacturing process -- electronics are used to monitor and regulate assembly lines. A control systems specialization provides students with the necessary mathematical and computer programming background to analyze and design both analog and digital control systems. Associated lab work helps illustrate the control algorithms learned in the classes.
One sub-category of control systems is robotics. At Penn State, robotics is covered more in industrial or mechanical engineering. However, a controls background, in addition to courses in signal and image processing, provides students with many of the fundamentals needed for future work in robotics.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 350 -- Continuous-time Linear Systems
  • EE 316 -- Embedded Microcontrollers
  • A statistics course (STAT 418 recommended)

Suggested Electives

Basic control theory is covered in a 2-course sequence (EE 428/429) following junior-level linear systems courses which provide the mathematical background (EE 350/351):
  • EE 351 -- Discrete-time Systems: a junior-level elective follow-up to EE 350 which provides a mathematical foundation for subsequent study in digital signal processing, digital control systems, and image processing
  • EE 380 -- Linear Control Systems: introductory course, with lab, which provides a theoretical and practical overview of classical analog control methods such as PID control and lag-lead control
  • EE 482 -- Digital Control Systems: a follow-up to both EE 351 and EE 380 which focuses on modern digital control techniques and the corresponding A/D conversion
Other courses that are tangentially related to control systems are the following:
  • EE 387 -- Energy Conversion: modeling and analysis of motors and generators, electromechanical energy conversion machines that are integral parts of industrial applications and other control systems
  • EE 413 -- Power Electronics: studies high-power semiconductors that interface with mechanical systems or convert electric power between different forms
  • EE 454 -- Fundamentals of Computer Vision: discusses topics such as object recognition, feature extraction from an image, and dynamic image analysis
  • ME/IE 456 -- Industrial Robot Applications: introduction to robots, with an emphasis on robot selection, programming, and economic justification for manufacturing applications (Note #1: This course has prerequisites that are not normally taken by EE majors. Note #2: This course counts as an ENGINEERING elective , not an EE technical elective .)



There are many applications of electromagnetics within the electrical engineering field. This area is good for students pursuing careers in antenna design, microwave communications, and in the study of wave propagation. Throughout this area, there is a strong emphasis on Maxwell's equations, Faraday's laws, and wave phenomena, which are often understood much more easily when time varying visual simulations replace equations and static diagrams.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 330 -- Engineering Electromagnetics

Suggested Electives
  • EE 430 -- Principles of Electromagnetic Fields: a follow-up to EE 330 which discussed E/M in theoretical detail, along with applications such as transmission lines, wave guides, and signal propagation
  • EE 432 -- UHF and Microwave Engineering: discusses the analysis and design of microwave transmission lines, amplifiers and filters, which are key elements in many communications systems
  • EE 438 -- Antenna Engineering: analysis and design of many types of antennas, with laboratory work in AM/FM antenna and array design
  • EE 439 -- Radio Wave Propagation: a theoretical and practical treatment of how radio waves are affected by the earth, atmosphere, and buildings during the transmission process
  • EE 471 -- Introduction to Plasmas: gives students a basic introduction to electromagnetic properties of plasmas, primarily in astrophysical and geophysical contexts
  • EE 477 -- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing: studies various techniques for atmospheric measuring using both radio frequency approaches (RADAR, radiometry) and optical approaches (LIDAR -- laser radar, spectroscopy)



Although almost every electrical engineering sub-discipline uses electronics to some extent, the term electronic design is generally understood to mean the assembly of basic electronic components to accomplish some fundamental task that is replicated many times over in a practical system. The field of electronic design ranges from the basic design of IC's using discrete semiconductor devices to the fabrication of complex circuits on a single IC chip using VLSI techniques.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 210 -- Circuits and Devices
  • EE 310 -- Electronic Circuit Design I
  • EE 316 -- Embedded Microcontrollers
  • CMPEN 270 -- Digital Design: Theory and Practice

Suggested Electives
  • EE 311 -- Electronic Circuit Design II: a follow-up to EE 310 which focuses on multi-stage amplifier design, feedback, and frequency response characteristics of electronic circuits
  • EE 410 -- Analog Integrated Circuits: looks at the design of analog integrated circuit building blocks such as operational amplifiers, voltage regulators, current sources, and amplifiers
  • EE 413 -- Power Electronics: studies high-power semiconductors that interface with mechanical systems or convert electric power between different forms
  • EE 416 -- Digital Integrated Circuits: looks at the design of digital integrated circuit building blocks such as logic gates, memory elements, flip-flops, and multiplexers at the discrete component level
  • EE 417 -- Field Programmable Devices: a special topics course that teaches the fundamentals of programmable gate arrays (PGA's) and VHDL
  • CMPEN 411 -- VLSI Digital Circuits: a follow-up to CMPEN 471 which provides an exposure to the fabrication and layout of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits
  • CMPEN 471 -- Logical Design of Digital Systems: a follow-up to CMPEN 270 which discusses the design of sequential circuits and other switching theory topics
Other courses that are tangentially related to electronic design are the following:
  • EE 441 -- Solid State Device Technology: a practical study of the fabrication of MOS integrated circuits, with a strong laboratory component in which students become familiar with clean room equipment
  • EE 442 -- Solid State Devices: a follow-up to E SCI 314 which focuses on the physics of semiconductors and the modeling/design of various semiconductors using BJT, JFET, CMOS, NMOS, and BiCMOS technologies
  • EE 432 -- UHF and Microwave Engineering: discusses the analysis and design of microwave transmission lines, amplifiers and filters, which are key elements in many communications systems
  • IE 464 -- Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards: this lab-oriented course, which deals with the manufacturing aspects of electronics, is a good complement to the theoretical EE electronics courses. (Note: This course counts as an ENGINEERING elective , not as an EE technical elective .)



Unless you know exactly what you are going to do in graduate study, the recommended strategy for an undergraduate intending to study beyond the baccalaureate level is to take a series of foundation courses covering several different areas of technology. Specialization can then come at the graduate level. Two reasons for doing this are 1) most graduate programs have some sort of breadth requirement which requires technical courses in multiple sub-disciplines of electrical engineering and 2) exposing yourself to many facets of electrical engineering as an undergraduate may help you decide WHAT to specialize in during your graduate program.

Suggested Electives
  • Any of the 300-level EE Electives (EE 311, 320, 351, 360, 362, 380, 387)
  • EE 420 -- Electro-optics: Introduction to Holography: a follow-up to EE 320 that covers the topics more in-depth, with an emphasis on holography
  • EE 430 -- Principles of Electromagnetic Fields: a follow-up to EE 330 which discussed E/M in theoretical detail, along with applications such as transmission lines, wave guides, and signal propagation
  • EE 442 -- Solid State Devices: a follow-up to E SCI 314 which focuses on the physics of semiconductors and the modeling/design of various semiconductors using BJT, JFET, CMOS, NMOS, and BiCMOS technologies
  • EE 453 -- Digital Signal Processing: a follow-up to EE 351 that covers both the theory and application of DSP, including A/D and D/A conversion, digital filter design, and implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform via the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
  • EE 460 -- Communication Systems II: a follow-up to EE 360 which focuses on the design of communication systems in the presence of noise and the corresponding statistics-based theoretical analysis
  • other courses that are listed in the Graduate Bulletin as prerequisites for 500-level courses



Optical systems have become increasingly popular for manipulating information (optical signal processing), transmitting information (fiber optics), and remote measurement of electrical properties (LIDAR). Furthermore, electro-optical devices, such as liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are a mainstay in high-tech electronic gadgets and laptop computers. The broad field of optics provides students with knowledge about the many building blocks within an optical system.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 330 -- Engineering Electromagnetics
  • E SCI 314 -- Engineering Applications of Materials

Suggested Electives
  • EE 320 -- Introduction to Electro-optical Engineering: an introductory course in optics/electro-optics which covers lenses, mirrors, polarization, lasers, diffraction, wave motion, and geometric optics
  • EE 420 -- Electro-optics: Introduction to Holography: a follow-up to EE 320 that covers the topics more in-depth, with an emphasis on holography
  • EE 421 -- Optical Fiber Communications: a follow-up to EE 320 which provides students with a fundamental understanding of the operation of fiber optic systems, including transmitters, receivers, as well as the fibers themselves
  • EE 422 -- Optical Engineering Laboratory: a laboratory-oriented follow-up to EE 320 providing students with hands-on exposure to lenses, lasers, diffraction, holograms, and other optical devices
  • EE 424 -- Lasers: Principles and Applications: a follow-up to EE 320 covering the operation of lasers as well as applications such as optical signal processing, holography, spectroscopy, remote sensing (LIDAR), and optical communications
Other courses that are tangentially related to optics are the following:
  • EE 477 -- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing: studies various techniques for atmospheric measuring using both radio frequency approaches (RADAR, radiometry) and optical approaches (LIDAR -- laser radar, spectroscopy)



Once the bread and butter of electrical engineering, the power systems field deals with the generation of electrical power on both the large scale and small scale. Large scale power system study involves the understanding of how power is generated at the power plant and then transmitted to homes, businesses, and factories. On the smaller scale, power systems studies motors and generators, which convert energy from electrical to mechanical form and vice versa, and the associated power electronics

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 210 -- Circuits and Devices
  • EE 310 -- Electronic Circuit Design I
  • EE 350 -- Continuous-time Linear Systems

Suggested Electives
  • EE 387 -- Energy Conversion: modeling and analysis of motors and generators, electromechanical energy conversion machines that are integral parts of industrial applications and other control systems
  • EE 413 -- Power Electronics: studies high-power semiconductors that interface with mechanical systems or convert electric power between different forms
  • EE 487 -- Electric Machinery and Drives: builds on EE 387 by discussing machinery that is used for industrial automation
  • EE 488 -- Power System Analysis I: an overview of the entire power system process: transformers, transmission lines, power system control, power flow, stability
  • any course in CONTROL SYSTEMS
Other courses that are tangentially related to power systems are the following:
(NOTE: These courses DO NOT count as EE technical electives . They count only as ENGINEERING electives or RELATED electives )
  • AE 311 -- Fundamentals of Electrical and Illumination Systems for Buildings: a fundamental coverage of electrical and illumination systems in modern buildings
  • AE 456 -- Solar Energy Building System design: teaches analysis and design of solar radiation collection systems
  • NUC E 401 -- Introduction to Nuclear Engineering: provides an overview of Nuclear Engineering (including reactor physics and fission) for non-Nuc E majors



For many years, the largest research group in the EE Department at Penn State, the Communications and Space Sciences Laboratory (CSSL) , has studied the ionosphere and related effects such as weather and thunderstorms. Problems of interest include the design of instrumentation as well as the study of natural phenomena. The research interests have influenced undergraduate courses in many ways, especially in COMMUNICATIONS , ELECTROMAGNETICS , and OPTICS . In addition, courses specifically in the area of space sciences have also been developed.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 330 -- Engineering Electromagnetics

Suggested Electives
  • EE 471 -- Introduction to Plasmas: gives students a basic introduction to electromagnetic properties of plasmas, primarily in astrophysical and geophysical contexts
  • EE 472 -- Introduction to Space Sciences: introduces students to the fundamentals of space sciences by providing a background in the physical/chemical properties of the atmosphere and ionosphere and discussing other topics such as solar wind and sun-trapped particle belts
  • EE 474 -- Satellite Communications: a follow-up to EE 360 which provides an overview of satellite communication systems, including modulation schemes, satellite components, satellite link design and orbital mechanics
  • EE 477 -- Fundamentals of Remote Sensing: studies various techniques for atmospheric measuring using both radio frequency approaches (RADAR, radiometry) and optical approaches (LIDAR -- laser radar, spectroscopy)



Because semiconductors are the active components inside nearly all modern electronic devices, all advances in electronics ultimately come down to making better semiconductor devices and understanding how they work. Silicon is the basic ingredient in most devices and the primary material studied at the undergraduate level, though the principles are easily extended to other materials.

Pertinent Required Courses

  • EE 210 -- Circuits and Devices
  • EE 310 -- Electronic Circuit Design I
  • E SCI 314 -- Engineering Applications of Materials

Suggested Electives
  • EE 441 -- Solid State Device Technology: a practical study of the fabrication of MOS integrated circuits, with a strong laboratory component in which students become familiar with clean room equipment
  • EE 442 -- Solid State Devices: a follow-up to E SCI 314 which focuses on the physics of semiconductors and the modeling/design of various semiconductors using BJT, JFET, CMOS, NMOS, and BiCMOS technologies
  • CMPEN 411 -- VLSI Digital Circuits: a follow-up to CMPEN 471 which provides an exposure to the fabrication and layout of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits
Other courses that are tangentially related to semiconductor devices are the following:
  • IE 464 -- Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards: this lab-oriented course, which deals with the manufacturing aspects of electronics, is a good complement to the theoretical EE electronics courses. (Note: This course counts as an ENGINEERING elective , not as an EE technical elective .)
  • any course in ELECTRONIC DESIGN



Signals -- both 1-D signals such as speech and audio signals, and 2-D signals such as images and video signals -- represent information. Processing these signals means extracting certain parameters from that information, filtering it to remove undesired components, coding it for efficient transmission, or many other operations. Because digital technology supports extensive manipulation and interpretation of signal/image data, signal processing is increasingly becoming digital. Therefore, a basic understanding of the effects of analog to digital conversion is key in understanding the design of modern signal processing algorithms. The signal and image processing field is a programming-intensive one in which various algorithms to perform these tasks are implemented.

Pertinent Required Courses
  • EE 350 -- Continuous-time Linear Systems
  • CMPSC 201 -- Programming for Engineers with C++
  • A statistics course (STAT 418 recommended)

Suggested Electives
  • EE 351 -- Discrete-time Systems: a junior-level elective follow-up to EE 350 which provides a mathematical foundation for subsequent study in digital signal processing, digital control systems, and image processing
  • EE 453 -- Digital Signal Processing: a follow-up to EE 351 that covers both the theory and application of DSP, including A/D and D/A conversion, digital filter design, and implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform via the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
  • EE 454 -- Fundamentals of Computer Vision: discusses topics such as object recognition, feature extraction from an image, and dynamic image analysis
  • EE 455 -- Digital Image Processing: overview of image processing techniques and applications such as image enhancement, deblurring, and restoration
  • EE 456 -- Artificial Neural Networks: covers the theory and application of how artificial neural network programs can be used to solve various engineering problems
Other courses that are tangentially related to signal/image processing are the following:
  • EE 360 -- Communication Systems I: a junior-level elective which provides a broad introduction to both analog and digital communication systems and modulation schemes
  • EE 460 -- Communication Systems II: a follow-up to EE 360 which focuses on the design of communication systems in the presence of noise and the corresponding statistics-based theoretical analysis
  • CMPSC 442 -- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: a programming-intensive course which provides the foundations for developing computer algorithms capable of decision making


Electrical Engineering Branches and Specialization

Electrical engineers have a vast amount of knowledge of electrical phenomena and technology, and work in an array of capacities that support total engineering efforts in the industries that employ them. Electrical engineers apply the laws of electrical energy and the principals of engineering to the generation, transmission and use of electricity. They design everything from generating systems in dams to the smallest of electrical circuits in spacecraft, and all the everyday electronics in between including televisions, radios, stereos, and computers.

Representative Job Titles and Area of Specialization

Circuit Designer*Communications Engineer*
Control Engineer*Robotics Engineer*
Power Systems Engineer*Electronics Technician

* See Training section

Nature of the Work

There are four well defined branches of electrical engineering: power, communications, electronics, and control systems.

Electrical engineers who specialize in power are involved in the generating of, transmission, distribution and application of power from such sources as water, fossil fuel, nuclear, and solar energy

Electrical engineers specializing in communications are involved in equipment engineering, circuit transmissions, traffic plant and acoustical engineering. This branch of engineering designs systems that receive, transmit and deliver information into audio and video forms.

Electronics engineers develop and implement computer systems and enhance electronic aids like heart monitors.

Those with a specialization in control systems design such products as automatic regulators, guidance systems and robotics controls.

Places of Employment

Universities and collegesConsulting firms
Federal/state/local governmentsArmed Forces
Aeronautical/aerospace industryAutomotive industry
Chemical industryComputer industry
Construction industryDefense industry
Electronics industryEnvironmental industry
Food and beverage industryTransportation industry
Water/waste water industryNuclear Industry
Machine tool design industry


Dictinary definition of electrical engineering

electrical engineering

The branch of engineering that deals with the technology of electricity, especially the design and application of circuitry and equipment for power generation and distribution, machine control, and communications.

electrical engineer n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

electrical engineering
the branch of engineering concerned with practical applications of electricity and electronics
electrical engineer n
Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006

electrical engineering
The branch of engineering that specializes in the design, construction, and practical uses of electrical systems.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusLegend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun1.electrical engineeringelectrical engineering - the branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication
repeater - (electronics) electronic device that amplifies a signal before transmitting it again; "repeaters can be used in computer networks to extend cabling distances"
applied science, engineering science, technology, engineering - the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"
telecommunication - (often plural) the branch of electrical engineering concerned with the technology of electronic communication at a distance
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering

Basic Information

As workers in the largest division of engineering, computer and electrical engineers deal with electronics, digital systems, communications, controls, and the basics for system design. Computer and electrical engineering are so closely related that most schools often place them in the same program.
What separates computer engineers from electrical engineers is their area of concentration. While the basic training is similar across the board, schools offer a variety of concentrations including Integrated Circuits, Design and Fabrication, Semiconductor Materials and Processing, Semiconductor Devices, Wireless Communication, Digital Image Processing, Power Systems/Electronics, Digital & Analog Conversion and High-speed I/O Interfaces, to name just a few.
Students learn the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering and prepare to deal with all aspects of computer and electrical engineering through laboratory and design experience. Grad students also learn to solve various problems using instrumentation and software tools. In some programs, you will be able to design most of your own curriculum, working closely with faculty to choose which courses will best suit your interests.
The world is changing rapidly; therefore, electrical and computer engineers must learn to adapt to new technologies. Since technology is constantly growing and changing, a broad-based understanding of engineering is vital for success in the field.
Qualified female applicants take note: women are particularly needed in engineering in general, and electrical engineering is no exception.

Degree Information

Students in engineering graduate programs work toward a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in an area of their choosing. A sampling of M.S. programs includes: Telecommunications Engineering; New Media Engineering; Lightwave (Photonics) Engineering; Wireless and Mobile Communications; and Electromagnetics and Optics. It usually takes students with an undergraduate engineering degree one year to earn a master’s degree in electrical engineering, and several more years for a doctorate, depending on your field of research.
Students wishing to pursue a higher degree can enter a doctorate program. Doctoral students work toward either a Ph.D. or a Doctor of Engineering Science (Eng.Sc.D.). A degree at this level is typically meant for individuals interested in pursuing a career in research or academics.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Degree Program

  • Do I want a more structured program, or one that allows me to choose my own research focus from the start?
  • What innovations/inventions/discoveries have been made at each potential school?
  • How much funding does each program get?
  • Am I willing to work in an academic environment where much of the funding is from corporate sources?
  • How will this affect the work I want to do?


What Is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering is concerned with the basic forms of energy that run our world. Whether it's gas, hydro, turbine, fuel cell, solar, geothermal, or wind energy, electrical engineers deal with distributing these energies from their sources to our homes, factories, offices, hospitals, and schools. Electrical engineering also involves the exciting field of electronics and information technology. Do you have a cellular phone or a computer? Wireless communication and the Internet are just a few areas electrical engineering has helped flourish, by developing better phones, more powerful computers, and high-speed modems. As we enter the 21st century, the technology that surrounds us will continue to expand and electrical engineers are leading the way.


Branches of Engineering

From the 18th century onwards all types of engineers, other than military engineers, were known as civil engineers. This definition was still valid in the early years of the Institution of Civil Engineers in Britain, whose royal charter granted in 1828 described civil engineering as '...being the art of conducting the great sources of power in Nature for the use and convenience of Man'. Professor Warren was trained as a civil engineer in the modern sense, but was able to conduct courses in Mining Engineering and in Mechanical Engineering, in addition to his own area of expertise. The increase in specialisation has reduced the scope of the title civil engineer, although it is still the largest branch of the profession in Australia.

Aeronautical Engineering

The number of aeronautical engineers in Australia is small and the employment situation can be drastically affected by changes in internal policies or external conditions. The flow of projects to the manufacturing industry is intermittent at present and this is being reflected in a steady, though restricted, demand for new graduates.

The operations field also provides opportunities since, as aircraft become more complex, the requirements of the operators for professional engineers tend to increase. Openings exist with Ansett Airlines, QANTAS et. al and the RAAF. The work includes performance analysis of engine and airframe, structural analysis and the forecasting of future requirements. Many challenging problems arise on the operational side and, as some of these are peculiar to Australia, original thinking is required. Opportunities are not confined to the operators; in particular, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority employs many aeronautical engineers to investigate the air-worthiness and performance of all aircraft operating in Australia.

Research and development work has been centred on the Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratories and the Defence Scientific and Technology Organisation (DSTO). There is some recruitment of new staff. In addition, the extensive basic training which aeronautical engineers receive in fluid, and solid mechanics along with computer skills places them in a position to take advantage of the research and development openings that occur in many fields outside of aeronautics.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is concerned with industrial processes in which material in bulk undergoes changes in its physical or chemical nature. Chemical engineers design, construct, operate and manage these processes and in this they are guided by economic and environmental considerations.

Industries employing chemical engineers are generally referred to as the process industries: examples of these are the large complexes at Botany in New South Wales and Altona in Victoria, and the petroleum refineries in all mainland States; other examples are the minerals processing industries that refine Australian ores such as bauxite, nickel sulphides and rutile to produce aluminium, nickel and titanium. In addition there are the traditional metallurgical industries, steel, copper, zinc, lead, etc., as well as general processing industries producing paper, cement, plastics, paints, glass, pharmaceuticals, alcohol and foodstuffs. Allied process operations are those involving waste disposal, pollution abatement, power production and nuclear technology.

Chemical engineering studies are based on chemistry, mathematics and physics and the first two are taken to some depth. The chemical engineer must learn something of the language and principles of mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering, and of administration, and industrial relations.

Each student completes a common core of courses, fundamental to the study of chemical engineering, and also takes a number of elective courses, chosen according to his or her particular field of interest from course options listed later. Three of these introduce students to some important industries in the process field.
  • Minerals Engineering.
    For students who are interested in gaining some familiarity with the minerals processing industries.
  • Biochemical Engineering.
    For those interested in biochemical methods of pollution control or in any of the biochemical industries such as pharmaceuticals, fermentation or food and dairy processing.
  • Reservoir Engineering.
    These courses deal with the properties and behaviour of petroleum and natural gas reservoirs, and the strategies used in their development.
Regardless of the option chosen, the graduate will be a fully qualified chemical engineer, well prepared for a career in any of the process industries.

The Department has a number of active overseas exchange programs. The exchanges, with the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and the Ecole Nationale Superieure D'Ingenieurs de Genie Chimique in Toulouse, see five or six of our final year students completing their degrees at one of these Institutions each year, with similar numbers of their students finishing their courses in Sydney. There is also an exchange program with Iowa State University which allows one or two of our students to spend their third year there. Each of these exchange schemes includes Industrial Experience in the host country. Some financial assistance is available to approved students.

The majority of chemical engineering graduates enter industry, taking up positions in plant operation, supervision, and eventually management. Others will be engaged in plant design, construction, and commissioning work either for a large process company or one of the specialist construction firms.

There is also scope for research and development work with industry or government organisations.

Chemical engineers are also recruited by many of the larger companies for technical service and sales. Graduates may also be able to obtain positions overseas either directly or through Australian companies with overseas associations.

Civil Engineering

The title Civil Engineer is given to one who invents, contrives, designs and constructs for the benefit of the community. Civil engineering covers a wide range including the conception, design, construction and maintenance of those more permanent structures and services such as roads, railways, bridges, buildings, tunnels, airfields, water supply and sewerage systems, dams, pipelines, river improvements, harbours and irrigation systems. In the broader sense civil engineers are charged with the task of producing structures and systems that give the greatest amenity for the funds expended. They have therefore to optimise their schemes in terms of technological performance, impact upon the environment and the financial resources available.

Civil engineers find employment in government authorities whose concern is the design, construction and maintenance of public services, with consultants whose main interest is the design of civil engineering works, with contractors who carry out the construction work, and in civil engineering industries which manufacture and supply materials, plant and equipment.

In the first and second years of the course, the student is given a grounding in mathematics and the sciences with an introduction to structural theory, design, construction, and the properties of materials.

In the second and third years, basic courses are given in structures, soil mechanics, surveying, hydraulics, structural design, construction, materials and practice of civil engineering.

In the fourth year, the elective courses are offered with an additional course which requires the preparation of a thesis. A major segment of final year studies are options in structures, fluid mechanics, engineering management and geomechanics.

As civil engineering is a practical profession, attention is given to this aspect throughout the course. Full use is made of the laboratories with students carrying out experiments to obtain a better understanding of behaviour under practical conditions. There is extensive use of computers in design and other exercises. During the vacation between the senior and senior advanced years, every student must obtain practical experience in a civil engineering field and must submit a satisfactory report on this experience. Seminars are also held and visits to works in progress are made as opportunities arise. Students are encouraged to take a close interest in current research and investigations.

Electrical and Information Engineering

Electrical and Information engineers are primarily concerned with development and manufacture of components and systems which utilise electrical, magnetic and optical phenomena. This wide and expanding discipline of electrical engineering may be conveniently divided in several ways. The title 'electronics engineering' is often used to differentiate the areas associated with electronic devices, such as computers and digital systems and communications, from those associated with electrical energy conversion and control systems. An alternative is to identify communications, computers, digital systems, and signal and image processing as 'information systems engineering'.

With its roots in science, electrical engineering is frequently to be found at the forefront of many new and exciting fields, such as neural computing and superconductivity. Indeed the frontiers of knowledge in all branches of electrical engineering continue to advance very rapidly with new devices, techniques and systems continually appearing. For example, developments in materials technology and solid state physics led to the invention of transistors in the 1940's. The subsequent miniaturisation of transistors in integrated circuits (microelectronics) has led to computer and electronic communication systems of great reliability and information processing power which underpin the 'information technology revolution' of the 1980s. Transistors are also available as high power semiconductors capable of switching and controlling powers exceeding 1MW.

Their initial education and training must provide electrical engineers with the background and confidence to exploit and contribute to these rapid developments. The undergraduate program concentrates initially on the fundamental mathematics and physics which provide the models for electrical engineering circuits and devices, and information and system concepts. The first two years of the course also include computer science and introduce the main areas of electrical engineering as described earlier. The last two years of the course concentrate on developing the principles and practice of the main areas of electrical engineering. The course has a high laboratory and project content in all years. One important additional theme developed in all years of the course is that of design, communication skills and engineering management.

There are two patterns of study in the final two years. In the 'general' electrical engineering program students study courses in all branches of the discipline: electrical energy conversion, control systems, electronics, digital systems and communications. There is an opportunity to take advanced courses in these areas. Students taking the 'information systems engineering' program in their final two years concentrate on more advanced material in digital systems and computer engineering, and do not take the electrical energy conversion, or more advanced control systems courses. Both programs offer students the chance to take interdisciplinary electives such as biomedical engineering.

A very wide range of professional opportunities is open to graduates of electrical engineering. They may join organisations concerned with telecommunications or electrical power generation and distribution, such as Telstra and Pacific Power. They may join one of the manufacturers of electronics, communications and control devices and systems, such as AWA, Alcatel Australia and Leeds and Northrup. Others may enter the computer industry, join CSIRO or undertake further study. Like electrical engineering itself, the possibilities are almost limitless.

Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a very broad branch of professional engineering and mechanical engineers are found in almost every type of engineering activity. They are involved in power generation, transportation systems for land, sea and air, pollution control, environmental protection and, biomedical engineering. They are found in a wide range of industries which manufacture machinery and consumer goods and offer research and technical services.

Mechanical engineers design machinery, engines, vehicles, agricultural and mining equipment, ships and household appliances. They are managers who run production lines, power stations and steel mills.
They design and maintain coal conveyer systems, building services, oil and gas pipelines and port loading facilities. The great diversity of applications for mechanical engineers means they are much sought after in both commercial and industrial fields.

Students have the opportunity to complete the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in one of two different strandsMechanical and Mechatronics. All students complete a common first year and select either the Mechanical or Mechatronics strand prior to commencing second year.

Mechatronics combines mechanical engineering, electronics and computing. It is the enabling technology of computer-automated manufacturing through the use of robots and automated machine tools. Mechatronics may be concerned with individual machines such as robots, or manufacturing systems automated in their entirety.

Mechatronic engineers use computers and other digital systems to control industrial processes. They bring electronic, materials and mechanical sciences together to create a diverse range of products. These range from everyday products such as cameras, washing machines, photocopiers and anti-lock car brakes, to miniaturised substitutes for human organs and to powerful and precise computer-controlled machine tools used in manufacturing.

The first two years of undergraduate study in mechanical and mechatronic engineering provide students with an introduction to engineering science, design and manufacturing methods, management, computing and electronics, so that by the end of the intermediate year, a broad field has been covered.

In third year, mechanical engineering students study in more depth the hardware, materials and manufacturing processes which are at the heart of mechanical engineering. In addition to this, mechatronics students study topics such as control, digital systems and computer technology, electronics and electrical machines. Three months' practical training in industry follows third year for all students.

The final year of mechanical and mechatronic engineering allows students to develop the professional skills that they will need after graduation. Emphasis is placed on using engineering science, up-to-date technologies and professional tools to solve practical problems. Specialisation in the final year is encouraged. Areas of specialisation include: management, thermofluids, environmental engineering, computational fluid dynamics, design, rheology, advanced materials, orthopaedic/biomedical engineering and mechatronics.

Project Engineering and Management (Civil)

Recent years have seen the dawn of a new era in both the national and international scene. On the one hand there is a perceptible trend to 'globalisation' of engineering and construction businesses. On the other, engineer-constructors and project managers are required to act as forerunners in the export drive.

The onset of the twenty-first century will demand managers with technical skills to act as entrepreneurs. The competitive market forces in the construction and engineering industries will require engineers and contractors to seek alternative ways to secure business, remain viable and experience sustained growth. This demand translates into a need for a class of engineer who can synthesise projects, analyse their impacts and act as the catalyst in their implementation.

Project engineering and management embraces the 'engineering' of all types of projects, from conception and feasibility studies through to construction and commissioning, albeit at the strategic level and through multidisciplinary teamwork. The project engineer-manager is the specialist in project processes and systems, a significant role in a society becoming increasingly dependent on the creation and management of projects to solve its economic, environmental and social problems.

The degree program responds to the need for technologically competent people with financial, organisational and managerial skills to take the lead in Australia's future engineering and technological projects.

The course is virtually identical to the present Civil Engineering curriculum in the first year. In the second year, courses are introduced in such areas as engineering economics, engineering accounting as well as engineering construction. In the third and fourth years subjects such as network planning, contracts formulation and administration, human and industrial relations, operations research, cost engineering and estimating project formulation, value engineering and risk analysis are included.

In addition, up to 20% of all the courses taken will be electives. These are to encourage students to follow their own interests and aspirations, and at the same time expose them to as wide a variety of subjects as possible in order to prepare them as team leaders and communicators.

Graduates will be able to conceptualise, analyse and plan a range of technologies for construction and operation of engineering projects. As agents of advanced technology the graduates will be able to appreciate the human side of projects and processes. Their training will give them a better understanding of individual and group behaviour, organisational concepts, state-of-the-art planning, goal setting and other managerial know-how. In addition, they will possess project management skills that will encompass techniques for achieving project goals.

Money is the life blood of industry, and engineering is a subset of business and industrial activities. Project engineering graduates will find it intellectually rewarding to initiate projects and/or take part in the economic and monetary processes under which projects are created and executed. They will appreciate the world of finance and the intricate ways under which projects are initiated by the private and public sectors of the economy. They will also be competent enough to conduct economic appraisal of proposals, evaluate risks, undertake valuation and depreciation analyses, formulate feasible plans for project funding, and generally sell the proposal to others.

Graduates will have the capability to respond to most challenges in a resourceful manner, virtually from the day of graduation. They will be self-starters, communicators, adaptors, performers.

Employment opportunities for such a group is as diverse as the field of project engineering and construction management itself. As an example, the following organisations will typically find the prospective graduate a valuable asset: Construction companies, project managers, major consulting engineers, planners, government and public agencies, municipalities and shires, property developers, owners, major clients, industrial and mining corporations, management consultants, investment analysts, development and industrial banks.


Choose your route into engineering…

The diversity of engineering means that whether your interests lie in film, TV, music, gadgets, travel, health, fashion, sport, design, building or the environment, there is probably an engineering role to match.
Engineering requires hands-on experience; as well as good grades in mathematics and sciences, and an understanding of innovation principles, processes, design and society.
Opportunities exist for professional engineers at all levels and engineering is one of the few career areas where there are clear professional progression routes through work-based learning. Put simply, you don’t have to go to university to pursue a career in engineering.
Studying engineering is also great general education and unemployment among professional engineers and scientists is among the lowest of any sector in the country. Qualifications in science, technology, engineering and mathematics also have a perceived degree of difficulty which appeals to a wide variety of employers.


What does an engineer do?

Engineering? Isn’t that all overalls, factories and hard hats?
The word ‘engineering’ is likely to make you think of things like shipbuilding, ‘engineering works’ on the railway lines, or perhaps the mechanic that services or repairs your washing machine or car. You probably have an image in your mind of a person wearing blue overalls and possibly a yellow hard hat? Am I right? Well, maybe not, but in reality, engineering covers a far wider range of businesses and industries; not only building and transport structures, but also jobs in food, cosmetics, medicine and much more.
Engineers work in all kinds of environments. Yes, there are still many jobs in traditional engineering sectors, but engineers are just as likely to work in offices, laboratories or studios, or outdoors, in the air and underground.
And many of these jobs don’t involve wearing overalls or hard hats. Engineering today is closely linked with technology and many engineering roles now rely heavily on technological devices and the most recent technological advances. As an engineer you could be designing colour-matching technology to determine the best makeup for different skin tones, working as part of a team on a project to improve the performance of artificial hip joints and the perks of a job in food may include tasting the chocolate prior to production!

OK, give me some examples of jobs that engineers do?

Engineers influence every aspect of modern life and it’s likely that today you will have already relied on the expertise of one or more engineers. Perhaps you woke to a DAB clock radio, or used a train or a bus? Maybe you’ve listened to an iPod? Or watched television? Did you wash your hair today? Do you have a mobile phone in your pocket or trainers on your feet? These have all been designed, developed and manufactured by engineers. Here are some examples of where engineers work to get you started.
Sound and acoustics engineer
Sound systems are everywhere – in sports stadia, pubs, clubs, offices, theatres, cinemas, train stations and of course at home. Without the impact of technology and the systems to deliver sound information, much of the entertainment business would not exist. Sound and acoustics engineers are an essential part in delivering the creative vision of, for example, singers and songwriters. Acoustics engineers work with bands and artists to make sure that venues sound as good as possible. In theatre, the set, position of actors and the arrangement
of the auditorium are all elements that a sound engineer has to consider. Click here for more information.
Food engineer
The average UK household spends 15%* of their annual income on food, so you can see that the food and drinks industry is big business. Finding out which ingredients work well together and give the best flavours is more than a matter of simply good cooking. Engineers are involved in the development and design of the processes and equipment that are used for making ingredients, packaging and distributing food and drink; all to provide the consumer with a fresh, tasty and good-looking product. Click here for more information.
Motorsport engineer
Are you into cars and motor bikes? As a motorsport engineer, you would design, test and build racing cars and motor bikes in all racing divisions, including single-seater racing (Formula 1, GP2, F3), rallying and bike racing (MotoGP, speedway, Superbikes). Your work would often be at the forefront of engineering technology, because vehicles have to meet strict rules governing motor racing. As an engineer, your work would normally fall into four areas: design, testing, production and racing. At race meetings, you could be setting up vehicles to match track and weather conditions, making fine adjustments during stops and relaying technical instructions to the driver or rider. After races you could be carrying out ‘after-tests’ on vehicles to look for signs of damage, attending debriefings with the race team to look at what worked well and where to make improvements. And if the race went well – celebrating with the team! Click here for more information.
Safety engineer
Safety engineers look after us all. They ensure that the buildings we use, the systems we rely on, the transportation we ride and the places in which we work are safe and not hazardous to our health. They interpret risks and foresee problems with existing infrastructure (road layout, buildings, places of work and play) to ensure that modifications and alterations conform to safety standards. They come up with ideas to remove hazards and reduce accidents. If you’re the one who responsibly closes gates after walks in the countryside or tells your younger brother off for dropping those banana skins on the pavement, maybe this one is for you. Click here for more information.
Transport engineer
Ever been stuck in a traffic jam? Well you’ll be pleased to know that now more than ever engineers are involved in designing and planning our roads so that we can get to our destination as safely and as quickly as possible. Increasingly transport engineers use ‘modelling’ in the design process to forecast the types of trips people are likely to make and how frequently they make them in addition to considering human factors such as analysing the existing set up and anticipating how people are likely to react to road layout. They are knowledgeable about the best materials needed to design safe and efficient roads and pavements. Transport engineers work as part of a large team on new and existing projects, providing solutions to a variety of perplexing giant puzzles! Click here for more information.
Medical engineer
This is about the application of engineering principles to a medical field, sometime called bio-medical engineering. This area of engineering combines design and problem solving skills with biological sciences to find solutions to a variety of medical problems, such as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a range of artificial limbs, the diagnostic equipment that is used in hospitals e.g. MRI scans and the latest drugs. It is a relatively new discipline but one that is constantly expanding to include new areas of research and recent medical advances. Medical engineers may work in hospitals or research and development companies. Medical engineering roles are varied and are likely to involve working with health professionals and a range of suppliers from pharmaceutical companies to the manufacturers of scalpels! Click here for more information.
Systems engineer
Systems engineers focus on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed. Issues such as logistics (where things are and how they get to where they should be), the co-ordination of different teams and automatic control of machinery become harder when we deal with large and complex projects, for instance the design and running of the international space station. Systems engineering deals with work processes and tools to handle this. Systems engineers would be involved from the start of a project to prototype, testing and right through to launch. They would work with a range of people including users, designers, programmers, project managers and specialist technicians to deliver a solution. They find solutions to very complex problems – and if you enjoy a challenge, this could be your thing. Click here for more information.
Environmental engineer
The quality of the land, air and water around us is becoming increasingly important with the onset of climate change. Engineers are at the forefront of preserving our planet and ensuring that modern technology is kind to the world in which we live. Being an environmental engineer might mean that you have a special interest in ecosystems and biology, or other branches of engineering like civil engineering (buildings, roads and structures). People who deal in public health matters may also be environmental engineers, helping to ensure that our world is preserved for humans as well as for plants and animals. Click here for more information.
Aeronautical engineer
An aeronautical engineer applies scientific and technological principles to research, design, maintain, test, develop and manufacture high-performance civil and military aircraft, missiles, weapons systems, satellites and space vehicles. Aeronautical engineering offers a wide range of roles and the possibility of an international location. Most engineers specialise in a particular area, such as research, design, testing, manufacture or maintenance. The aerospace industry is a well established major employment sector in the UK, with many rewarding roles available. These roles are challenging but exciting and may involve varied shifts and being away from home for periods of time; but if a 9-5 job seems dull then perhaps this is something for you! Click here for more information.
Textile engineer
Could this one suit you? Textile engineering is the application of scientific and engineering principles to the design and control of all aspects of fibre, textile, and clothing processes, products, and machinery. These include natural and man-made materials, interaction of materials with machines, safety and health, energy conservation, and waste and pollution control. Most textile engineers work on product research and development, either improving current textile based products or creating new products. They may also be involved with finding uses for new fibres, yarns, fabrics, or textile finishes in this country (new organic materials, sports clothing etc..) and overseas where developments in textile technology can allow humans to survive some of the earths’ most difficult climates. Click here for more information.
Renewable energy engineer
Renewable energy engineers are concerned with the production of energy through natural resources such as the sourcing and use of wind, solar and wave power. They are involved in developing and maintaining power stations and the machinery used in alternative energy sourcing and production e.g bio-fuel sourced from crops. Energy engineers construct equipment designed by engineering designers, and conduct testing and make modifications prior to installation and running. This involves extensive use of computer technology. They may work for industry, university or government research departments. They may hold senior positions, head up a team of energy engineers or have a key post in the team. Ultimately these engineers are focussed on finding efficient, clean and innovative ways to supply energy to millions of households for years to come. Renewable energy is extremely important to the future of our planet and that’s something that we’d all like to rely on.  Click here for more information.

Sounds interesting, so how do I get into it?

Firstly, you need to consider whether you enjoy science and mathematics subjects, because many engineering and technology roles are based on science and mathematics principles. Depending on what kind of job you would like, you will probably need qualifications in these subjects. Qualifications in ICT and design and technology (D&T) are also extremely useful.
It may also be helpful to know that there are three nationally (and internationally) recognised professional levels that you can work towards: Engineering Technician (Eng Tech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Chartered Engineer (CEng). Each of these levels can be achieved by various routes of study – going to university to study an engineering course is just one of the many options available to you.


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