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Syed Saqib Imad
HSG Sirikot Online Solutions

Sirikot, Haripur N.W.F.P

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Calculus- general topics

Definition of Derivatives:
is the derivative of f(x). The process of taking derivatives is called differentiation.
Similarly, the higher derivatives of f(x) can be defined by
When there is more than one variable in a function, the derivative of the function should be specified with respect to a particular variable. For example,

is the partial derivative of f(x,y,z) with respect to x while keeping y and z constant.
In contrast to the partial derivative, the differential of f(x,y,z) is defined by
Leibniz's Formula for Derivatives:

L'Hôspital's Rule: L'Hôspital's Rule is used to determine the indeterminates such as width=150. If both f(x) and g(x) are differentiable in the domain except possibly at x0, then
The process can be repeated until the equivalent limit is found.
Integration by Parts: Integration by parts is one of the most commonly used integration formulas.


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Monday, September 14, 2009

SF- Study Guide: Presentations - Exercises

Create a multi-slide presentation with graphics and animation for each of the following scenarios:

  1. You and your cousin have decided to help pay for your college education by selling a ‘How to Improve Your Grades study kit that you developed as part of a marketing class. The kit has generated significant interest among your peers and you now want to take it to the area high schools. Create a 6-slide presentation that you would use to market this product.
  2. This summer you will be the head lifeguard at the neighborhood swimming pool. All new members must go through a safety orientation before they can use the pool. Create a 5 slide presentation that you can use when presenting the orientation and safety program.
  3. You need to present a series of talks to area children on the dangers of trying to drive home with your eyes shut, even though you know the way home like the back of your hand. You believe that you can be more successful with a visual segment to reinforce your talk. Create a 4-slide presentation to help with this project.


SF- Study Guide: Presentations - Slide Transition and Slide Animation

Two effects that give a presentation a professional appearance are slide transition and slide animation. Slide Transition is the method for changing from one slide to another. The default is to place one slide on top of the other -- quite boring. Slide animation refers to the method and manner in which individual elements of a slide appear. Without any animation, the entire slide appears at once.
Before we begin, let’s see your presentation in action. Move to slide one and select Slide Show from the View menu. Click or use the arrow keys to change slides until you have seen the complete show and returned to slide one.
First, let’s look at slide transition. To do this you need to change to the Slide Sorter View by selecting Slide Sorter from the View menu. You should see all five slides at once. Click in an empty area to make certain that no slides are selected. Hold down the control key and click slides 2 through 5 and then release the control key. These four slides should have a heavy border around each slide to indicate their selection. Your screen should look similar to the sample below:

From the Slide Show menu select Transitions. Select the drop-down menu in the effects area and choose Box Out. Click the Apply button and you will return to the Slide Sorter View. Notice that a small icon has appeared below each slide that now has a transition.

Change back to the slide view by selecting Slide or Normal from the View menu. Review your presentation again, paying particular attention to the change between slides. Move to slide one and select Slide Show from the View menu. Click or use the arrow keys to change slides until you have seen the complete show and returned to slide one. That is quite a difference. You may want to experiment with the other transition styles to see what you like best and find most effective.
The second effect is Item Animation. Using animation gives you the ability to have one item at a time appear during your presentation. This helps keep your audience focused on what you are telling them and it also keeps them from reading ahead. Animation works well with the bulleted list.
Move to slide two and click on any word in the bulleted list area. For example, click on London. When you click on something in the area the frame around the area appears. Now select Custom Animation from the Slide Show menu.
Have you saved your work lately?

Once the Custom animation window appears, click the Effects tab and select Fly from the drop down list. Click OK.

Move to slide three and using the same techniques, set custom animation to the bulleted list. This time try a different animation from the drop-down list.
Move to slide one and sit back and enjoy your work. Start your presentation by selecting Slide Show from the View menu. Move through your show by clicking or by using the arrow keys. Pay particular attention to the Custom animation.
You should now be able to create new and better presentations.


SF-Study Guide: Presentations - Enhancing the Slides

Now that you have created you multi-slide presentation, let’s look at some methods to enhance the individual slides.
First we will make some changes to the title slide. Using the vertical scroll bar slide the scroll bar up to slide one. Select all of the text in the subtitle text holder. Once the text is highlighted it can be changed in many ways. The font, font size, and/or font color can be changed.
With the text selected, choose Font from the format menu. Change the size to 28 and the color to blue. Click OK and while the text is still selected click the Bold button. Click off of the selected text and notice the changes. Select the text again and choose Font from the Format menu. This time change the font to Comic Sans and the size to 36. Click off and review the changes.
Any text that can be highlighted can be changed. Change the title so that the font and size match the subtitle text you just changed.


SF- Study Guide: Presentations - Adding Graphics to a Slide

One of the best methods to improve the effectiveness of your presentation is to add graphic images. Graphic images basically are available in two forms, clip art and images from files.
Let’s add a graphic image to the title slide using clip art. Click in a blank area of slide one to ensure that nothing is currently selected on the slide. Select Picture from the Insert menu. Then select clip art on the pop-up menu. This will display the clip art window. Type ‘travel’ in the 'Search for clips' space and press the Enter key. It should look similar to the image below.

The specific clip art images and the number of images will vary depending on how the software was installed on your computer. Click on the first image and then click the Insert Image button. You may have to close the clip art window to return to slide one.
The image appears in the center of the screen. Place your mouse pointer in the center of the image and drag it to the upper right corner of the screen. You can resize the image by dragging the resize handles that surround the image when it is selected. Adjust the image so that it fits nicely in the corner.
Your slide should look similar to the sample. Have you been remembering to save your work?

You may want to use photographs or professional images in your presentation. Move to slide two. Lets add two pictures to this slide. Once again, select Picture from the Insert menu, but this time select From File. The insert window should appear and will look similar to the sample below.

Change Look in: to the location your images are stored and select etower. Click the Insert button. You can now adjust the location and size of the image as you did before. Repeat the process again and select the image russia1 this time. Arrange the two images to achieve a pleasing look to slide two.
Now add two of the pictures from files to slide three. Arrange and resize them as needed.


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